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Brain & Head MRI Scans from £199

MRI scans of the head and brain can provide a detailed picture to highlight
a number of underlying causes of your pain or symptoms.

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Introduction to MRI Head and Brain Scans

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans of the head and brain are essential diagnostic tools in modern medicine, accounting for approximately 22 percent of all MRI scans. These scans are pivotal in diagnosing various brain-related issues, from minor injuries to severe neurological conditions.

Why an MRI Scan?

An MRI scan is recommended for symptoms that suggest changes in brain function, such as persistent headaches, sudden behavioural changes, unexplained pain, or blurred vision. These symptoms may indicate conditions like brain tumors, stroke, or other neurological disorders that require detailed imaging for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

What Does the Scan Involve?

An MRI scan of the head and brain uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the brain and surrounding structures. This non-invasive procedure captures images in multiple planes (sagittal, axial, and coronal), providing a comprehensive view of:

  • Brain tissue and lobes
  • Cerebral cortex and brainstem
  • Meninges and ventricles
  • Sinuses, arteries, and veins
  • Any pathological changes such as tumors, inflammation, or fluid accumulation

Detailed Insights Provided by an MRI Scan

The ability to visualize the internal structure of the brain in such detail allows radiologists to detect and diagnose a wide range of abnormalities. These include degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's, conditions involving fluid buildup like hydrocephalus, and traumatic injuries such as concussions. Furthermore, MRIs are crucial in the ongoing monitoring and treatment planning for patients with chronic neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

Preparing for Your MRI Scan

Preparation for an MRI head and brain scan is straightforward:

  • Remove all metallic items as they can interfere with the magnetic imaging.
  • Inform the medical team about any implants, such as pacemakers or cochlear implants, which might be affected by the MRI.
  • Patients are often required to change into a hospital gown to prevent any interference from clothing.

The Procedure Explained

During the scan:

  • Entering the MRI Room: Patients lie on a motorized table that slides into the MRI machine.
  • Contrast Agent: If detailed images are required, a contrast agent may be administered intravenously to enhance the visibility of certain tissues.
  • During the Scan: It is crucial to remain still to ensure clear images. The procedure usually takes between 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the specifics of what is being examined.
  • Post-Scan: Patients can usually resume normal activities immediately unless sedatives were used..

Addressing Common Concerns

Many patients experience anxiety about the closed space of an MRI scanner. Modern MRI facilities often offer options like open MRI machines or sedation to help manage claustrophobia.

After the Scan: Understanding the Outcomes

Following the scan, a radiologist will analyse the images and compile a report detailing the findings. This report will be discussed with the patient by their doctor to decide on the next steps, which may include further tests or starting treatment based on the diagnosis.


An MRI scan of the head and brain is a powerful tool in the diagnosis and management of brain disorders. Understanding what to expect during the scan can significantly ease the anxiety associated with this procedure. For those in need of quick diagnosis, opting for a private MRI centre can provide faster appointments and results, significantly shortening the waiting period compared to routine healthcare services.


Our expert clinical team will guide you through the process, with a 1-1 consultation, referral, and digital imaging report included in the price of your scan booking.