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Wrist MRI Scan from £199

A wrist MRI scan can be useful for capturing fractures in bones, signs of arthritis,
ligament, and tendon tears as well as inflammation, nerve compression and blood supply issues.

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The Increasing Need for Wrist MRI Scans Amidst Rising Technology Use as the digital age progresses, we find ourselves more frequently engaged with technology, from typing on keyboards to scrolling on smartphones. This increased interaction has paralleled a noticeable rise in wrist-related injuries. Studies indicate that between 7% and 16% of the UK population may suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), underscoring the growing impact of technology on our physical health.

Anatomy of the Wrist: A Complex Structure

The wrist is a sophisticated structure comprised of multiple small bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, forming a network that is intricate and delicate. Given this complexity, pinpointing the exact cause of wrist pain through mere physical examinations or standard X-rays often proves inadequate. This is where an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan becomes invaluable, offering a detailed view of the wrist to diagnose issues accurately and promptly.

Who is at Risk for Wrist Pain?

Wrist discomfort can afflict individuals of all age groups, particularly those engaged in repetitive strenuous activities. It becomes more common with age, typically starting in middle age. For anyone experiencing persistent wrist pain, an MRI scan could be a crucial step towards identifying the problem and starting treatment.

What is a Wrist MRI Scan?

A wrist MRI is a diagnostic tool that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the wrist joint. It captures these images from various angles, allowing radiologists to detect fractures, inflammation, cysts, ligament tears, and nerve damage. The process involves taking multiple 'slices' as the scanner moves around the wrist, providing a comprehensive look at the wrist's internal structures.

How is a Wrist MRI Performed?

Typically, a wrist MRI scan takes about 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the specifics of the case. In certain scenarios, a contrast agent, usually iodine-based, may be used to enhance the clarity of the images, which can extend the duration to 30–45 minutes. Patients are required to remain still during the scan to ensure the images are clear and accurate. Movement can blur the images, potentially necessitating a repeat of the procedure.

Cost and Accessibility of Wrist MRI Scans

The cost of a wrist MRI in the UK averages at £363, but at specialized MRI centers, prices can start as low as £199. Opting for a private MRI scan can significantly reduce wait times, often allowing appointments as soon as the next day, compared to the NHS's typical wait of up to 18 weeks for non-emergency scans. This expedited process is crucial in diagnosing and treating wrist issues swiftly, preventing further complications and aiding in a faster recovery.

Final Thoughts on Wrist MRI Scans

Dealing with wrist pain can be exasperating and hinder daily activities. An MRI scan not only helps in diagnosing the root cause of the pain but also facilitates a quicker start to treatment. For further questions or to schedule an MRI, contacting a specialist centre can provide additional guidance and support.


Our expert clinical team will guide you through the process, with a 1-1 consultation, referral, and digital imaging report included in the price of your scan booking.